Answer by Alexander Nigl for Implement LaTeX accent macros
Python 3, 203 bytesWithout bonus:l=list(input())b=list(""*len(l))try: while 1:s=l.index("\\");t=l[s+1];del l[s+6];del l[s:s+5];b[s] = "b"==t and "_" or "d"==t and "." or "h"==t and "^" or...
View ArticleAnswer by nimi for Implement LaTeX accent macros
Haskell, 156 * 0.9 = 140.4 bytesg('\\':a:r)=(q,l):g s where q|a=='b'='_'|a=='d'='.'|a=='h'='^'|a=='t'='~';(_,_:l:_:s)=span(<'{')rg(a:b)=('',a):g bg""=[('\n','\n')]f=uncurry(++).unzip.gUsage...
View ArticleAnswer by PurkkaKoodari for Implement LaTeX accent macros
Pyth, 5146454341 40 bytesI remove the curly braces and split at \, just like Reto Koradi's CJam answer does. The codes bar, dot and hat are recognized simply by the last decimal digit of the character...
View ArticleAnswer by Reto Koradi for Implement LaTeX accent macros
CJam, 53 bytesSl+'\/(_,S*\@{(i2/49-"_. ^"=\3>'}-_,(S*@\+@@+@@+\}/N\Try it onlineExplanation:S Leading space, to avoid special case for accent at start.l+ Get input, and append it to leading...
View ArticleAnswer by Alex A. for Implement LaTeX accent macros
Julia, 204 184 bytes * 0.9 = 165.6x->(r=r"\\(\w)\w+{(\w)}";t=[""^endof(x)...];while ismatch(r,x)...
View ArticleImplement LaTeX accent macros
IntroductionThe LaTeX typesetting system uses macros for defining accents.For example, the letter ê is produced by \hat{e}.In this challenge, your task is to implement an ASCII version of this...
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